Service Requests

The purpose of Netrino is to create Service Requests.

A Service Request is the association of these 3 items:

  • A Tenant/Customer,
  • to a Service,
  • to a Network Device and/or port.

Creating a Service Request

1. Select the Tenant/Customer.

After at least one Tenant has been provisioned to the system, enter the name of the Tenant at the Tenant Name Search bar at the top right. Select the name from the auto drop-down, or hit search. From the pane below, hit the Open button for the applicable Tenant.

2. Select the Service

Aftter at least one Service have been created, navigate to Infrastructure -> Network -> Service Requests, and hit the Create button. From the first Drop Down list, select the applicable Service. Once selected, more fields may appear in the form if there were additional fields associated with the Service.

3. Select the Device

After at least one Device has been discovered, from the second drop-down list, select the applicable Device to which th service request is to be deployed. It is possible to select more than one device, but at this time no interface/port configuration is supported in such a case.

4. Select the port (optional)

If the Service contained the special variable {{interface}}, a drop-down list will appear listing all the ports on the device that:

  • belong to the same Interface Group as the Service, and
  • do not have any ACTIVE service requests currently attached to them.


Only the ports discovered in the last device discovery attempt will be listed; it might be neccesary to rediscover the device to show an up-to-date list

Select the applicable port, and hit the create button.

The system will initiate a deployment task in the background, and redirect to the Service Requests Page. The status will probably be PENDING at this stage, as it takes a short while to log in and configure the device.

Viewing Service Requests

Simply navigate to Infrastructure -> Network -> Service Requests to view a list of all service requests. Note that if a Tenant is selected, only service requests for that Tenant will be displayed. Otherwise service requests for all Tenants are displayed, as well as device discovery service requests.

To view a specific Service Request, hit the view icon next to it. This will display the log and status of the service request.

Activating Services

If the current status of the Service Request is SUCCESS, on the View Service Request page, there will be an Activate Button. Hit this button to activate the service.

If the Activation config of the service is empty, the Status will change to ACTIVE immediately. Otherwise, the status will change to PENDING as a new task is loaded in the background to configure the device.

Deactivating Services

If the current status of the Service Request is ACTIVE, on the View Service Request page, there will be a Deactivate button. Hit this button to deactivate the service.

If the Deactivation config of the service is empty, the Status will change to INACTIVE immediately. Otherwise, the status will change to PENDING as a new task is loaded in the background to configure the device.